Spiritual Sitting


One to One Spiritual sitting - mediumship or psychic oracle card reading via video link (if you are wanting a reading in person please email Vicky for more details)

45 mins £35

20 mins £15

Consider engaging in a delightful session with me to connect with your loved ones in the spiritual realm. They can offer guidance, support, and love, which can be communicated through mediumship. Alternatively, if you prefer, I can conduct a psychic reading using oracle cards to provide inspiration and guidance concerning your present daily life.


To book click on the link below:


or alternatively:

Email: vicky.newton2023@outlook.com 



Sound Healing Accredited by: IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine) & IGCT (International Guild of Complementary Therapists)

First & Second Degree - Angelic Reiki attuned to the Angelic Kingdom of Light - Angelic Reiki Association

Angelic Reiki - Metatron Methods - Angelic Reiki Association

Level One Usui Reiki